TitleAnnouncement of AIV Token Presale Schedule Change2024-06-10 20:29
Name Level 10
Hello, this is AIV.

We have changed the presale schedule as follows. To provide better rewards and benefits to presale participants, we have adjusted the presale rate upwards.

Please take note of this information. Below is the new presale schedule:

1st Presale Period: June 11, 2024, 09:43 ~ June 30, 2024, 09:43

Presale Rate: 9,000 AIV per 1 BNB

PancakeSwap Rate: 1,800 AIV per 1 BNB

AIV Token IDO Presale Participation Link::

Thank you.

(Attention) Please be sure to check the link below before applying for the IDO.

IDO Announcement :