TitleAIV Token PancakeSwap Listing2024-06-30 19:24
Name Level 10

Hello AIV Supporters,

The AIV token presale was successful, and we have proceeded with the listing process on PancakeSwap as planned.

The first trade was confirmed on DEXview at 09:19:04 (UTC) on June 30, 2024.

The starting price was USD 0.31458300.

Below is the URL for the AIVOICE (AIV) token on DEXView and the BSC chain smart contract address for AIVOICE (AIV).

Please be cautious of scam coins posing as AIVOICE (AIV). When trading on DEXView, always verify the smart contract address for AIVOICE (AIV).

Thank you.


AIVOICE (AIV) Token Contract Address : 0x581C124D0F4b9D365c06e30d37ea8352d5F3a2aF